የልሳነ ግፉዓን ድርጅት ሙሉ መግለጫ!
የልሳነ ግፉዓን ድርጅት ሙሉ መግለጫ! ተስፋፊውና ፋሽስቱ የትግራይ ወራሪ ሃይል የኢትዮጵያ መከላከያ ሰራዊት አባላትን በጭካኔ

American Photojournalist Describes Welkait as “Great Site of Mass Graves” – HUMAN RIGHTS
Addis Ababa April 17/2022/ENA/ Welkait is a great site of mass graves where thousands of

Welkait: The Redline that cannot be crossed in Ethiopia – By Wassy Tesfa
When looking at the Senate and House bills, HR. 6600 and S. 3199, that are

80-yr-old Tefere Demile of Tegede in Welkait can tell you where members of the Welkait-Tegede community tortured and murdered by the TPLF are buried,
80-yr-old Tefere Demile of Tegede in Welkait can tell you where members of the Welkait-Tegede

ኮ/ል ደመቀ ዘውዱ በአዲስ አበባ ከፌዴሬሽን ምክር ቤት ቀርበው ውይይት ማድረጋቸውና ውይይቱ ነገም እንደሚቀጥል ታወቌል፦ ወንድወሰን ተክሉ
* አዲስ_አበባ_የጠራህ_የሚታመን_ወዳጅ_አይደለም!! * ወዳጄ ሆይ ባለህበት ጽና!!!! * አንተ የተፈለግከው በወልቃይት ጉዳይ ብቻ እና ብቻ